Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Black Pepper - The Oil of Unmasking

Black Pepper, I didn't know what I was going to use this oil for when it first came out. But I have grown to love it. I cook with it most of the time, but when I used it on my moms leg for joint discomfort, she was amazed how quickly it worked.  It also aid in those who are trying to quit smoking by reducing craving for nicotine and helps calm withdrawal anxiousness. Here is more on Black Pepper.....

Black Pepper Piper nigrum - The Oil of Unmasking

Black pepper is steam distilled from berries, it is primarily used for flavoring in cooking and for Tobacco Addictions. 

Common Application Methods

Topically Dilute with a carrier oil for children and for those with sensitive skin. Apply to reflex points and or directly on area of concern. Mix very sparingly with juniper and lavender in a bath to help with chills or to warm one up in the winter. Aromatically diffuse or inhale the aroma directly.

Historical Uses

Pepper has been used for thousands of years for things the FDA won't let me list, but it is in the Modern Essentials Book and several digestive problems. 

Possible Uses

• Rich source of antioxidants • Supports healthy circulation • Aids digestion  Enhances food flavor
• Helps ward off environmental and seasonal threats • Soothes nerves and lessens anxious feelings

Emotions Addressed

Emotional dishonesty, repressed emotions feeling trapped, prideful, superficial, judgmental

Aromatic Guide

Pepper is comforting and stimulating.


Topically – Apply to reflex points and or directly on area of concern; diffuse. Mix very sparingly with juniper and lavender in a bath to help with winter chills or to warm one up. 


Type: Middle Note (50-80% of the blend);Scent: Spicy, peppery, musky, warm with herbaceous undertones; Intensity:3.


Stimulating the Appetite especially when recovering from being under the weather or the side effects of chemotherapy. 
Blend 2 drops black pepper and 2 drops lemon. Diffuse or inhale to encourage feeling of good energy and interest in food. 

Occasionally Soothing Digestion - To aid in digestion and for relief from constipation, gas or diarrhea blend 1 tbs coconut oil, with 2 drops of black pepper and 5 drops of marjoram. Massage on the abdomen throughout the day.

To warm cold hands and feet - Blend 1 tsp coconut oil with 2 drops black pepper and 1 drop thyme. Rub on hands and feet.
Regulate Blood Flow - Blend one drop black pepper with 4 drops wild orange. Pour in hands, rub together and then apply on the forearms or the bottoms of feet. 

To occasionally prevent Leg Cramps - during a race, blend 2 drops of black pepper and 5 drops rosemary with 1 tbs fractionated coconut oils. Apply to calves before a run and again when finished. 

Determination Blend -
Roman Chamomile/Black Pepper/ Geranium 2 drops eachApply to the back of your neck and use affirmations

I release all resistance to forming new patterns for success for me.
I am allowing my creative self to flow and surprise me with new
Spontaneous ideas on how to have more fun each day.
By Dr. Susan Lawton

One of my favorite books, Living Healthy and Happily Ever After. Great read and is where the recipes come from. This book includes recipes and affirmations. These women are amazing.

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

References:  Modern Essentials Book, Emotions & Essential Oils,See Disclaimer on this website. 

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