Friday, November 19, 2021

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Ritual 
November 2021

November 19, 2021 brings a Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus. This Eclipse brings waves of transformative energy, allowing us to make a leap in the evolution of our consciousness.

Eclipses tend to bring fated events and put us where we need to be. If we surrender to this Taurus Eclipse energy, we may just find ourselves releasing something from our lives that is blocking us from accessing the love that we are.

Matters of the heart may also be stirred under this Eclipse, and a relationship may be highlighted for us.

Allow the Eclipse energies to work their magic, and know that whatever transpires is there to help fuel the growth of your soul.

Get your full Taurus Eclipse Forecast here.

To work with these powerful energies, here is a ritual to guide you –

Taurus Lunar Eclipse Ritual

This ritual is best done between November 14-24, 2021.

You will need:

·       Aura cleansing of choice (eg. dried herb sticks, incense, bells, Tibetan Bowls, drums, palo santo stick, sage stick etc.)

·       One candle (preferably white)

·       Meditation of Choice (Focused on the Heart recommended) 

·       Included drumming/Tibetan bowls heart meditation see below

·       5 or more Flowers, Leaves (dried or fresh), or Crystals

·       A few Crystals of your choosing (optional)

·       Essential Oils of choice, but Ylang Ylang is highly recommended

·       Reading with Oracle Cards (One provided below)


1. Begin by cleansing your aura using your tool of choice. As you cleanse, feel free to recite the following mantra/prayer- 

“I am cleansing myself light and free, so I can be me. I am cleansing away the struggles of my past, and opening my heart. My heart is now open and I am aligned.”

Next, cleanse your surroundings. Feel free to recite the following as you do-

“I cleanse this space with light and loving energy. Only positive energy may enter this space. It is safe for me to dwell here, it is safe for me to call this space home. My heart and home are cleansed and I am renewed.


2. Light your candle and place it on an altar, table, or safely on the floor in front of you. Grab essential oils or aroma of choice, take three deep inhales to calm the mind and body.

3. Get nice and comfortable and begin your meditation of choice.  With the intention during this meditation to open and activate your heart center and release any stagnant energy. Call in Hathor the Goddess of love and joy among other things. Feel Hathor empowering you to clear away negativity and to fill yourself up with self-love and love for others. Bring in white light to activate and expand your energy field. Feel the love, be the love, feel the light and love through you, then expand and flow out of you. Let go of what no longer serves you and be open to receiving love.

Click here for Guided Meditation by Kollette Chambers

4. Once your meditation is complete, take one of your flowers/leaves or crystals and think about something you wish to release or let go of. State what you would like to release out loud and then blow your wish into the flower, crystal or leaf and place it next to your candle. Write it down if you wish.

5. Take your next flower/leaf/crystal and think about something you wish to release that blocks you from accessing the love that you are. Once again, state it out loud and then blow it into the flower. Place it next to your candle. Write in your journal or on a piece of paper if you whish. Repeat this process 3 more times using the following prompts –

·       Think about a behavior/pattern you wish to release when it comes to your relationships. State it out loud and then blow into the flower/leaf/crystal

·       Think about a habit you would like to release that blocks you from creating more intimate relationships (could be with yourself). State it out loud and then blow into the flower/leaf/crystal.

·       Think about a belief you would like to release that prevents you from stepping into your fullest power. State it out loud and then blow into the flower/leaf/crystal.

Feel free to repeat this process for any remaining flowers/leaves or crystals. You can repeat these prompts or come up with your own.

6.) Once you are done with the release work, take all your flowers/leaves/crystals, and arrange them nicely around your candle. Create a mandala, a shape, or place them any way you feel. Allow this to be a creative/meditative process. (You may wish to do this somewhere it can be left for a few weeks if possible.)

If you like, you can use your flowers/leaves/crystals to create the following shapes:

·       Triangle: represents the mind, the body, and the spirit

·       Circle: represents wholeness or completion

·       Heart: represents love

·       Straight lines: masculine energy

·       Curvy lines: feminine energy

7.) Once done, place your hands over your heart center. Grab your Essential Oil of choice, put a few drops in your hands, Close your eyes and cup your hands over your nose and take 10 deep breaths here allowing yourself to just be.

8.) With a still heart, do your Oracle Card Reading. Sit with whatever messages, thoughts, or feelings come up as you read.

Here is a Universal Card for this Ritual for those who do not have a Card Deck. Card Deck is Moonology Manifestation Oracle

Full Moon in Aries
You need a detox to restore equilibrium to your situation. Perhaps you’ve been obsessing and have fallen into a negative headspace. Whatever the case, you need to release any dramas, possessiveness and stubbornness to free up everything.
Digging your heels in won’t help, and neither will allowing yourself to be mean. It could be a spiritual, emotional or physical detox that’s called for.


9. To end the ritual, recite the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment- 

“I call on my highest spiritual guides and angels to help me stay in my center and stay in my calm. May the intentions I have set during this ritual manifest for my highest good. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

10. Snuff out the candle. You can keep the unlit candle and the leaves/flowers/crystals as decoration until the next Eclipse (December 3) if possible, or you can discard the flowers/leaves in the garden- whatever you wish.


‘I express love and love comes back to me.’


Full Moon and Eclipse blessings to you!




Resources, and Yasmine Boland, Kollette Chambers, 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Stop Anxious Feelings in Their Tracks - 10 Tips

As much as you are told to look at the glass half-full, the reality is the brain is hard-wired to focus on the negative. Psychologists Paul Rozin and Edward Royzman have focused their studies on what is known as the human “negativity bias”—the idea that, all things equal, negative emotions/interactions/events tend to have a greater effect on psychological processes than positive ones. This makes it easy, and even natural, to be stuck in a spiral of negativity that leads to progressively higher levels of overall mental distress. The key to overriding your natural inclination to emphasize the negative is to be mindful, to be acutely aware of all of your thoughts and emotions, when they occur, so that you can stop those anxious feelings in their tracks.

Here are some helpful tiops to Stop Anxious Feelings in Their Tracks

1. Practice Meditation

Meditation is one of the most evidence-based ways to increase mindfulness and support overall mental well-being. Researchers from Harvard have shown that regular meditation may alter gene expression, which in turn has the potential for positively benefitting your ability to overcome various physical and mental challenges. Start your day off with five minutes of intense focus on breathing, and nothing more, being keenly aware of when your mind wanders, so that you can immediately refocus only on your breathing flow. Diffusing Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Cedarwood.

2. Use a Mantra

There is a part of the brain that generally uses much of its resources to focus on self-judgment and reflection: the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Research has shown that repeating a calming word or phrase may actually inhibit activity in the PCC, which in turn may help you re-center and refocus your thoughts. When the mind moves towards negativity, try repeating a favorite reassuring phrase five times to redirect cognitive resources.

Lavender, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Clarry Sage.

3. Write Things Down

Have you ever noticed you learn better when you write things down? Multiple clinical trials

have shown that physically writing something down (not typing) forces the brain to alter its cognitive processing. The studies conclude that because writing something down takes time and requires increased focus, it forces your brain to work, improving your comprehension and retention abilities. Take a few minutes to write down your thoughts on a piece of paper and remarkably, they will appear less chaotic. Peppermint, Rosemary, Wild Orange, and Sandalwood

4. Be Present

Mindfulness is all about being present, not thinking about the future or the past, but only what is happening right here and right now. Your control of the past has come and gone, and the future has yet to happen, so use your mind to focus only on what is occurring in the present. If you find your mind wandering into anxiousness about past events or what might happen in the future, take a second and deeply examine what is happening around you in that moment. 

Neroli, Frankensence, Ylang Ylang, or Rose

5. Do Something

It is easy to be stuck in a negativity cycle when you aren’t concentrating on anything else. Break the cycle. Get up, go for a walk, do some pushups, or text your best friend. Any action that immediately turns your attention away from negative thoughts gives you an opportunity to regain control and redirect your thought patterns to something constructive and positive.

Peppermint, Wild Orange, Motivate, Black Spruce, or Lemongrass

6. Put Down the Candy

Research has shown that high levels of sugar intake may increase anxiety and make it harder to redirect because of how the body physiologically responds. Researchers postulate that the quick spike in blood sugar caused by dietary sugar intake can make one feel uneasy, essentially mimicking how one feels when experiencing a panic attack. It may also induce a cascade of hormone reactions. When you are overtaken with negative thoughts, try pouring yourself a glass of water instead of grabbing a chocolate bar. EO to help with sugar cravings. 

Grapefruit, Coriander, Ginger, Fennel, Slim & Sassy, Cassia

7. Say Them Out Loud

Anxious feelings often have no basis in reality and that may become evidently clear when they are stated out loud. Immediately stop what you are doing, look yourself in the mirror, and talk through those negative thoughts. Even better if you have a trusted friend there who can point out the logical fallacies in your harmful self-views. 

Adaptiv, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Vetiver, Sweet Marjoram

8. Laugh

Laughter truly is the best medicine. There is an abundance of research showing how a good chuckle has similar effects on the brain as exercise. Laughter inhibits the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, induces the secretion of dopamine, and (as research has shown) this physiological phenomenon even occurs when the laughter is faked. Cue up some funny cat videos and laugh those anxious thoughts away.

Lavender, Wild Orange, Peppermint, Lemon, Bergamot

9. Go For a Run or Walk

Speaking of exercise, regular exercise is one the best things you can do to support mental health long term, but it also works acutely. Like laughing, vigorous exercise activates the endocrine system to mute stress hormones and amplify those “feel good” hormones, and huffing and puffing can be the perfect distraction from negative thoughts. Either aerobic or strength training will do. Remember, the best exercise is the one you will do.

Lemon, Breathe, Peppermint, Frankinsence, Oregano or Cypress

10. Therapy Through Aroma

One of the most researched properties of essential oils is their ability to influence emotions. Due to how the olfactory system interacts with the limbic system, specific potent aromas have the ability to promote feelings of calm and relaxation. Adaptiv™ Calming Blend was developed specifically for this purpose; however, responses to aromas are highly distinctive so go with what you know and like. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your diffuser to promote a calm and centered mindset.

Everyone has Anxious moments in life, I hope you find even one of these tips useful. Remember to Breathe, use your essential oils and use these tips. 


Sourced from, Modern Essentials Plus App, doterra social, google. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Razor Relief Serum

Both my husband and I suffered when we were younger from razor burn. I would experience it on my legs and my husband on his neck. My husband actually swithched to an electrick razor unless he was going out where he needed a clean shave. He was in construction at the time, so he usually had a shadow. 

We have been with doterra for over 10 years now and I can't beleive it. I used to make a salve years ago that workd and then we tried this recipe and I have to say that it is nice to switch things up and find something else that works. If this doesn't work for you the recipe to the salve we used is here. 

Shaving may be essential, but razor bumps are not. Provide relief to your skin with this Razor Relief Serum enhanced with calming doTERRA essential oils that will help your skin look and feel beautiful.
½ cup Fractionated Coconut Oil
¼ cup rosewater (can be purchased at health food stores)
5 drops Lavender oil
5 drops Melaleuca oil
5 drops Myrrh oil
  1. Place Fractionated Coconut Oil and rosewater in glass spray or pump bottle. 
  2. Add essential oils and shake.
  3. To use, spray directly on skin or place two to three pumps in palms and rub on affected skin.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Sourced from

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Helichrysum Face Mask

 Did you know helichrysum has been called the “immortal flower” or “everlasting flower”? This is because of its major rejuvenating benefits for the skin, as well as its use in antiaging products.

Taken from the golden flowers of the helichrysum plant, Helichrysum essential oil has a honey-sweet aroma and is—no surprise—a favorite skincare oil. When used topically, Helichrysum can help give your skin that “immortal” feeling as it refreshes and rejuvenates, especially when it’s used on the face. 

Want to make the power of Helichrysum essential oil work for your skin? Try this DIY Helichrysum face mask at home for the glowing complexion you’ve been dreaming of. 


1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon coconut oil or jojoba oil
¼ ripe avocado
2 drops Helichrysum oil

  1. Mash up the avocado until smooth. Add the honey, coconut oil or jojoba oil, and Helichrysum oil. Mix well.
  2. Spread the mask over your face (and neck, if desired). Leave on for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water.
  3. Apply moisturizer and enjoy your smooth, hydrated skin. 
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.Sourced from

Sound Bath, Coffee & Cards