Saturday, July 18, 2015

Patrick's Daily Routine

Patrick's Daily Routine - Sleeps 10-12 hours a night, very important!!
Patrick suffered a massive heart attack in September of 2014 and is now recovering from an Anoxic Brain Injury due to lack of oxygen from the heart attack, Patrick went without oxygen for 8 minutes. Visit Softening The Granite blog for details. Below is his daily routine and protocol.

Wake Up
Shower, brush teeth, shave, get dressed etc.
East Break fast which is usually 2 eggs over easy, fresh fruit and yogurt
Take Medications
Soothing Complex - Includes proprietary, standardized extracts of ginger, curcumin, resveratrol and other polyphenols to soothe aches and discomfort
Takes Pro Biotic prescribed by the doctor
Takes Vitamin D
Takes Vitamin B-12
Takes Vitamin Supplements - which Supports healthy cellular integrity by helping to reduce oxidative stress • Supports healthy cellular function and metabolism • Protects the body and cells from oxidative stress
Apply Frankincense Essential oil to the back of his neck.
Frankincense promotes feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness.

Then the therapy begins...

Occupational Therapy which includes feeding the horses, cleaning horse stalls, dishes, cleaning, dusting, washing windows, laundry, working with horses, driving simulator, learning how to cook again, learning about the tools he used to use for building etc.

Physical Therapy - Walking or riding the stationary bike for 20-40 minutes and lifting weights 3-4 times a week. Moving Hay, mowing the lawn, water trees, plays baseball with our boys with a tennis ball, shoots basketball hoops. Walks a couple of times a week in the neighborhood.

Speech Therapy -  Patrick was working with a speech therapist 3 times a week at the beginning, now he is down to twice a week. He is improving slowly, but he improving and his doctors and therapist are impressed and tell us to keep doing what we are doing.

Before Lunch we apply Frankincense to the back of his neck again.

During or after lunch which is usually a healthy salad full of veggies and topped with an organic dressing. He takes his supplements, email me if you would like to know more about the supplements, An Energy and Stamina Supplement.

Massage Blend Technique - Once a week.

Before Nap Apply Frankincense or oil of choice.

We used the Zito Compass Scanner every 3 months to see what essential oils were recommended for all of us. In the Beginning we used Frankincense and Myrrh. Then he scanned for  A Blend with Amyris Bark, Patchouli Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Lime Peel, Ylang Ylang Flower, Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood, Roman Chamomile Flower essential oils in it, The next scan was for Clove and Sandalwood and the latest one was Peppermint and Black Pepper. Let me tell you a little about each essential oil.

Frankincense - Promotes cellular health
Myrrh - promotes emotional balance and well being
A Blend of  Amyris Bark, Patchouli Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Lime Peel, Ylang Ylang Flower, Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood, Roman Chamomile Flower essential oils Which promotes healthy thought processes
Clove - provides brain protective antioxidants
Sandalwood - Enhances mood
Peppermint - Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
Rosemary - Helps reduce nervous tension and fatigue
Black Pepper - we used for muscle tension and it is a rich source of antioxidants, supports healthy circulation and aids in digestion
Cedarwood - evokes feelings of wellness and vitality

Nap (Rest Time, he does not like the word nap) time between 1-3 pm depending on activities.

After his rest
Help get dinner ready
Feed the horses, dog and cat
Clean up after dinner
Go for a family walk or play a game with the kids.

Take Medications and get ready for bed, now for his favorite part, the foot massage with essential oils before bed. The kids love there foot massages as well.

Go to bed and wake up and get ready for another beautiful day together.

Oils Diffused throughout the day, just a few of our favorites

Wild Orange and Lime - high in antioxidants, uplifting to the mind and body. Lime supports healthy immune function, positively affects mood with stimulating and refreshing properties, promotes emotional balance and well-being
A Blend of - Amyris Bark, Patchouli Leaf, Frankincense Resin, Lime Peel, Ylang Ylang Flower, Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood, Roman Chamomile Flower essential oils.
The Lemon and Frankincense -,Supports skin at a cellular level,
A Breath better Blend at night - to help us breathe easier while sleeping
Lavender - to help calm everyone down
Juniper Berry - It just smells good. Very uplifting!
Rosemary and Peppermint - Uplifting

Here is Patrick's daily protocol for supplements and oils. 

Frankincense on back of neck, 3-5 daily
A DNA Repairing Blend Supplement in AM and PM
A Supplement Trio 
Energy and Stamina Supplements 
Soothing Supplement Complex
Pro Biotic Supplements

Weekly Routine
Work out 30-40 min 3-4 times a week
Massage Blend Technique weekly email me if you would like to know more about this Technique.
Feel free to contact me and share this post. I hope by sharing my story, it will help others in crisis. Remember to have faith, believe, have a good attitude and be positive. 

Energy Kinesiology

Patrick enjoys, bowling, baseball, playing golf, fishing, mowing the lawn. 

To learn more about essential oils. Please email me at

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. 

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Endless Summer Essential Oil

I just received my bottle of Endless Summer. Use Aromatically or topically, this blend smells divine. I am in love with it. Only $34.00 whol...