Saturday, February 19, 2022

February Full Moon & Ritual 2022


What is getting in the way of you living up to your highest destiny? What thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and habits block you from connecting with the radiant fullness of all that you are?

The Leo Full Moon on February 16, 2022, is making cosmic beams with the Lunar Nodes, which are mathematical points in our sky that represent our highest destiny.

Under the influence of this Full Moon, we are guided to remember that our highest destiny is not some faraway place that we have to struggle to reach, but rather a small quiet space that lives within us.

Very often we are tricked into believing that living our highest density, and leading our lives from a place of purpose has to be directly tied to our career and how we are choosing to spend our time. While these can be relevant on the journey, being aligned with our purpose, is more of a state of mind and state of being.

It doesn’t really matter what we do, being aligned with our purpose comes from a deeper, simpler place. Remove the complications, let go of this idea that you have to work hard to find your purpose- reprogram these beliefs so you can recognize that your purpose is found from within, not without.

Purpose, highest density, all these beautiful terms may also conjure different things within you. Observe what feelings they create. Think about what being aligned with your purpose and highest destiny feels like to you. What feelings come to mind?

These feelings may hold clues as to where you need to hold your attention, and what areas you need to explore. Sit with any thoughts that arise on this matter, and see how the Full Moon works with you to help recreate and fashion new ideas. This is great to journal about.

One of the gifts that this Full Moon offers us is also the energy of lightness. It reminds us to soften our being and to focus on creating joy. Being in a state of joy is one of the fastest ways to connect us with the Divine, and the path of our highest destiny.

The path of joy and the path of purpose are very often intertwined. By following one, we eventually find our way to the other.

If you are feeling heavy about something in your life, or frustrated by the events that are currently unfolding around you, reach out to the Full Moon. Allow its vibrations to bring some lightness into your being and into the situation.

See if you can step back and allow any heaviness or frustrating situations to soften. See if you can find the funny side of things, or at the very least, see if you can release the bonds of attachment by reminding yourself that all is temporary.

Laughter is also a powerful medicine here, so go in search of some at this time. Reach out to friends, watch a funny movie, read a funny book, allow laughter to flow through your being.

 Venus and Mars are also together in a sacred union under this Full Moon, sending supercharged rays of passionate, creative, and balancing energies our way.

Venus and Mars represent the feminine and the masculine, the Goddess and the God. Both of these energies live within us, and can rebirth themselves under this Full Moon.

The rebirth of these principles can see us open our hearts wider, boost our feelings of passion, rethink our connection with both masculine and feminine energies, and help us connect to the Divine Goddess or God within.

Venus and Mars is also a highly creative force, which we can use not just for creative projects and inspiration, but also for manifestation work. By working with these energies, we can boost our magnetic powers and the air of attraction around us.

Full Moons are typically a time where energy is drawn out of us. Full Moons are points of release, however with Venus and Mars together in the sky, we can also draw energy to us, especially energy that allows us to feel empowered, sexual, passionate, creative, and in full ownership of our bodies.

If you are looking to manifest a romantic relationship, more aligned connections in your life, or the perfect teacher or mentor, this energy is particularly favorable. If you are looking to connect deeper with your body, your sexuality, or your feelings of passion for your partner or for life in general, this Full Moon will be on your side.

Use the fiery energy of the Leo Moon to embrace and own all of who you are. Feel beautiful and confident in your skin, make empowering decisions, and allow the vibrations of passion to rise up through your chakras.

Dance and movement can help with this, as can reciting, self love affirmations and adorning your body in clothes and accessories that make you feel good.


Overall, this is a powerful Full Moon with so much goodness to offer. While we may find ourselves questioning our “purpose” and looking for deeper meaning in our lives, if we look from within the answers will reveal themselves to us.

Enjoy the vibrations of this Full Moon, and use its energy to create a balance between your masculine and feminine sides, and to support creating more passion and joy in your life.

Your Full Moon Ritual and Reading

The fiery Leo Full Moon peaks on February 16, 2022. At the same time as this Full Moon, Venus and Mars will also come together in the cosmic skies, enhancing the vibrations of creativity, liberation, attraction, and passion.

Under this energy, we become magnets for all we wish to attract. Under this energy, we are able to own the Goddess within and connect with all that empowers us.

A ritual to guide you through these energies is here-

Leo Full Moon Ritual February 2022

I recommend doing this ritual between February 13-21, 2022.

You will need:

·       Aura cleansing tool of choice (eg. herb sticks, bells, incense, etc.)

·       Lemon Essential Oil for Surrender and Peace Blend

·       Surrender to Peace Meditation below 

·       Bowl of water

·       Rose petals* (see notes below)

·       February Full Moon Reading (below)


To work with the healing powers of the rose, the color you chose can hold a different vibration. Use red rose petals for attracting love, boosting your feelings of passion, and enhancing your sexual magnetism. Use pink rose petals for boosting your feminine energies and tapping into the Goddess within. Use yellow or peach rose petals for unlocking feelings of joy and playfulness, and attracting friendships. Use purple rose petals for enhancing your intuition and connecting with higher realms and your third eye. Feel free to also mix the colors you use, but I recommend doing no more than two different colors. If you cannot get fresh roses where you are, you can also substitute with dried roses, or a few drops of rose essential oil.



1. Have all your ritual ingredients.. Start by cleansing your aura using your tool of choice, followed by your surroundings and ritual ingredients.

As you cleanse your aura feel free to recite the following –

“I Surrender to Peace and I go FREE!"

As you cleanse your ritual ingredients, and surroundings, take essential oil of choice, put a few drops on your hands, cup and take a few deep breathes, feel free to recite the following-

“I give thanks to these beautiful rose petals that I will use in my ritual. May their energy remain clear, pure, and open to the magic that is about to unfold. I give thanks to the water in this bowl, and cleanse it so it may radiate at the highest vibration possible. I give thanks, knowing that I am protected, aligned, and connected to the light. I now take a moment to clear this space, freeing it from all energies that no longer support my highest good. My space is cleared, my space is cleaned. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2. Now take a third of your rose petals in your non-dominant hand and hold them over your bowl of water. As you sprinkle the rose petals into the water, state out loud something that you are proud of yourself for achieving.

3. Now take another handful of rose petals in your non-dominant hand, leaving enough to do this one more time, and sprinkle them into your jug of water. As you do, state out loud what you feel empowered by the most in your life right now.

4. Finally, take your last handful of rose petals and sprinkle them into your jug of water while stating out loud what you love the most about yourself.

5. Using your finger, begin swirling the water in the jug, making a vortex. As you do this, recite the following (feel free to adjust to suit your needs)-

“I am a magnetic being. All that is meant to be will find its way to me. I radiate the spark of my true authentic self. I am attracting all that is for my highest good. I am lifting my vibration and aligning with what brings me joy, love, and peace.”

6. Leave your bowl of water out under the Full Moon- you can put it by a window or outside depending on your climate and accessibility.

7. Here is your Full Moon Reading. This card is from the Love Your Inner Goddess Deck, by Alena Fairchild. I love her decks, they are amazing. 



This is an important time in your life, when you are being guided to lead from your heart. Even if it makes no sense to you or anyone else or if your mind screams at you with fear and doubt - don't ignore what your heart is telling you. Give yourself the time and space that you need, away from the noise and demands of the world and other people, so that the quiet, sure voice of your heart can be heard. Then take courage and act on what you feel Your heart is wise and worthy of your trust. 


Your heart was never meant to be tamed. It is always truthful. When you allow yourself to be true to your heart, it will show you how to create a beautiful contribution to this world that fills you up with joy and peace. You don't need to be ashamed of what you feel or be persuaded that you should feel differently. Your heart has a wisdom beyond the logic of the mind. It has its own creative genius, a unique way to reframe problems, attract solutions and empower us to bring our dreams to life.

Some may be afraid of the wild freedom of the heart. You are not one of those people. Your mind may not always understand why your heart feels and guides you the way it does, but that is OK> Reassure your mind that your heart can show you how to live in a way that is amazing - and that it' safe to trust in that. You are a wild child of the Universe and your heart is showing you the way to fulfil your divine destiny. 

Give yourself permission to live a life that makes your heart happy. The world needs your joy. 


Place your hand on your heart. say to your heart, "My heart, you are a wild and free. I trust you to guide me. You know what is right for me, and what is not meant to be. You are honest and wise. I love you.:

Take a deep breath and then imagine that you can breathe out through the front and back of your heart, now. Be gentle and relaxed. This allows your heart to let go of pain, doubt or insecurity and remember that it is wild and free. 


Sit with any messages that come up for you, before going to bed.


8. Here is a relaxing sound meditation. 

9. In the morning, take your bowl of water and pour it over your body in the shower or over your hands/feet in the sink. As you do, imagine all the moon energies and affirmations soaking into your skin and into your being. If you like, you can recite this affirmation again –

“I am a magnetic being. All that is meant to be will find its way to me. I radiate the spark of my true authentic self. I am attracting all that is for my highest good. I am lifting my vibration and aligning with what brings me joy, love, and peace.”

10.  Take your rose petals and discard them outside. You can also dry them out and leave them on your altar for a few days if you wish, just be sure to return them to the earth about 3 days after completing this ritual.

Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself "I Love You!"

"I Love You"

Enjoy the Full Moon 

Source/Inspired: Forever Conscious. Image Credit Kent Chambers and Google,,

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 


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