April Full Moon Energies ~ Pink Full Moon in Libra
This April Full Moon Slogan is “Somethings Gotta Give” Wherever this is tension, whatever has been pulling tightly, is going to snap back, forcing us to make changes and to find a new way to harmony.The energies of this Full Moon you will feel it days before and days after. Whatever tension needs to be released from our lives are likely to come to a heal this Full moon or may have already.
If you have been feeling tension in the days leading up to this full moon, it is a sign that something has to be released, tension somewhere has to be cut in order to continue.
This is a new planet for me, it is a dwarf plant like Pluto, so it is only fair that we consider Eris too! Eris is known as the Goddess of Discord and Strife. She is the main player under this Full Moon energy, but don’t let her name alarm you.
Eris is a powerful warrior that moves from her feminine instincts, not her masculine ones. Her warrior-like nature comes from her heart. She is the mother that can lift a car to save her baby. She is the witch that is strong and confident in her magic. She is the woman that owns her sexuality and knows she is desirable.
No matter our gender expression, when we work consciously with the energy of Eris, it helps us to embrace our darker feminine side, the side that is shunned by society the most.
Dark feminine qualities can include things like jealousy, possessiveness, and manipulation, but it can also include transformation, magic, alchemy, healthy sexual expression and feeling self-assured.
When we embrace our dark feminine, it allows us to balance the light feminine qualities, so we are not just agreeable and nurturing towards others all the time, but we can stand in our power and own all of who we are.
When Eris shows up and creates discord and strife, it is time to clear thing up that are no longer serving us, it is time to take our power back. Allow the Universe to show you the way. It is time to fully step into your feminine expression so you can feel powerful, desirable, and confident!
Allow the flame of your feminine power to be ignited under the magic of the Full Moon. Allow the warmth of this flame to remind you of the lost wisdom and magic that the feminine possesses. Allow the flame to rise, bring a higher balance to the male and female energies that flow across the universe.
We live in a heavily masculine society, and while we need the masculine energy, far more balance is needed. Each of us holds the power to create this balance by continuing to consciously embrace the feminine.
Whenever you feel the urge to discount the feminine, to disregard its magic, or to suppress its wisdom, pause and create a shift. This may look like honoring your monthly cycle, embracing your intuition, asserting yourself, loving yourself and owning your sexuality.
With this Full Moon energy, it is time to find new harmony. Libra energy is all about creating harmony and balance. Know that the universe is on your side.
Where do you need to create greater balance in your life? Often tension is a result of things being imbalanced for too long, so use these energies to bring your lie back into an even flow. Under this Full Moon as Libra rules over how we connect with others, our relationships may also come into the spotlight.
Keep in mind that most of the people we encounter in this life can be mirrors, reflecting to us the things that we need to work on or celebrate within ourselves, however, due to the cosmic forces surrounding this Full Moon, there is a strong need for us to assert ourselves, set firm boundaries and ensure that the flow of giving and receiving is equalized when it come to our relationships.
Whatever manifests, keep the idea of harmony in your mind. Know that anything that falls apart, any discord that presents itself is simply and opportunity to smooth the flow of energy in and out of your life.
Full Moons are a powerful time of release and endings. Use this time to bring closure to anything in your life that no longer brings harmony. Trust the wisdom that lives within when it comes to any decisions that need to be made.
We still have Jupiter and Neptune to help increase our sensitivity, really harness this energy to raise your vibration, strengthen your intuition and receive guidance from your higher self.
Ritual for This Full MoonMay be done thru April 27th, 2022
What you will need
Essential Oils - Ylang Ylang, Lemon, Balance, Adaptiv
Small Pot or Cup for planting
Paper Napkin
Seeds of Choice (Mint seeds are great for strength)
Confidence is trusting yourself to have the answers you are looking for. Confidence is knowing who you are and owning your gifts and the power you hold.Glow Facial Massage and Seeds of Confidence
Begin by choosing an essential oil of choice, open the bottle, place a few drops on your palms, rub your hands together and take a deep inhale. Feel the aroma, feel the oils in your hands. Feel how you have a sense of calmness. Take a few more deep inhales, and exhales.
Place your middle and index fingers to the middle of your forehead. Pressing lightly, move your fingers in circles, five clockwise and five counterclockwise. Move your fingers
to the arch of your eyebrows and, again, do five clockwise and five counterclockwise circles,feeling your connection to yourself begin to wake up.
Slide your fingers down the sides of your eyebrows to the sides of your eyes for the same clockwise and counterclockwise circles. Slide your fingers under your eyes to your nose, and then down the sides of your nose, invigorating your senses. Slide your fingers down to the corners of your lips for the same circles. Finally, slide your fingers down to your chin for the final set of circles. Bring it all together by running your fingers back up along the line that you’ve done around your face. Open yourself up to the glow you’ve created, allowing it to shine out of your face.
This isn’t a choice: we are born to connect. We are born to belong.
Planting your Seeds
Wet a paper napkin and place it in your cup. As you plant your seeds, name 3 things you are confident about in your skills, gifts, and uniqueness. These plants growing will be visual reminders of these areas of your strength.
Wet a paper napkin and place it in your cup. As you plant your seeds,
name 3 things you are confident about in your skills, gifts, and uniqueness.
These plants growing will be visual reminders of these areas of your strength.
Card Reading
Angel Caliel & Polychrome Jasper
Crystal Angels 444
By Alena Fairchild Crystal Mandala Deck
We bring you the gift of sacred play. We enter your heart bring joy and an ability to have fun, to laugh to see the silly and playful side of life, and to be entertained by the wonderful spectacle of life. When you know how to look, you will see the joyful hand of the Creator behind so many of the people, places and things you see everyday. You will begin to feel the Creator's delight in creation, and you will feel laughter deep in your soul, a joyful connection with the Universe as you realise that even in its strange and sometime dark mystery, life has a brightness and delight to it, a sense of humor and a quirky, amusing enjoyable beauty. We know there is a great joy inside you, and we will elp you reconnect with that joy ow so even your most arduous challenges will not diminish your capacity to feel the light of your spirit and take delight in your life.
It takes courage to connect with your inner world, to go deep into the truth of your pain and bring love to those wounds, to allow a healing current to transform and free you from the past. It takes maturity to live with depth, to look beyond the surface and to refuse to give up on your journey when something difficult is asked of you in order to grow. To succeed on the spiritual path, you need this willingness to enter the darkness and liberate the love from within, opening the darkness up to receive divine light. Although there can be great joy in the resolution of such suffering, during the process itself there may not seem to be joy at all.
Then there is the discipline required to keep your spiritual light shining - the discipline of inner work, dealing with your stuff, meditating, showing up for your conscious dance, studying your spiritual books, doing whatever is required to keep you conscious, growing, awakening when it is admittedly so much easier to slip backwards into sleepiness, judgement and even procrastination and doubt. It takes so much inner strength to keep moving towards the light! There are times when the spiritual path will feel like a marathon that taxes you beyond your limits physically, emotionally and psychologically. to summon the energy to play might seem - ironically enough - laughable.
Then in your fatigue and exhaustion, having worked so hard for your spiritual growth and personal development, you might feel ashamed that you are not laughing, joyful, enlightened and taking delight in all that is! Do not feel guilty or ashamed. This oracle does not come with any such intention. Rather, it comes as a peace offering from the Universe.
The Divine is extending a hand of friendship. You've been working so hard. There'a a knock at your door. It's the Universe in the form of that cheeky, curious and friendly boy from down the street. He is inviting you to come outside and play. The sun is setting on what has been and there's a sweet promise of new life and friendship in the air. The prospect of fun, play, fresh energy, adventure and friendship is before you now. Of Laughter and fun - you need and deserve this. It's time for the brightness of your light to fill your heart and cast away the Shadows of the past.
The way you engage with sacred play will vary from day to day: colouring in (perhaps with unusual colours and outside of those lines): visiting the local dog park to be enchanted by the sheer diversity (and sense of humour) of the hand of the Creator (ca one see a sausage dog or poodle and not giggle?); dancing in your lounge room, on the beach or out with friends; a walk in nature; playing a game with your children or watching a movie that lightens your heart; singing in the shower; going for a drive with your favourite music playing loud; an enthusiastic bout of 'air guitar' or singing into your 'hairbrush microphone'.
What makes play sacred is being present and allowing it to heal you, to lighten your heart and uplift your spirit. There is much seriousness and discipline on the spiritual path, and that is as it needs to be. However, when you can allow sacred play to become part of your journey too, the joy within you shall be all the stronger to nourish you through the challenging times. Your ability to take delight in life every day will increase, and the lightness in your heart will help enlighten the world.
To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now;
I call upon the Crystal Angel of Polychrome Jasper and Angel Caliel who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing gift of sacred play. I honour my disciplined nature and the strength of my commitment. I honour the need to balance this with freedom, spontaneity and joy. In opening to receive your gift of sacred play, I open my heart to the light and shine that light through my laughter. Through my own free will, so be it.
Rest and breathe in and out several times.
If you wish to further the healing process, say out loud:
I choose of my own free will, through this and any lifetime, and through all layers of my entire being, to release and shame or guilt about laughter, play and lightness of any spirit. I accept the light-hearted side to my nature because I know I am a being filled with depth and compassion, capable of endurance but also delight. I accept sacred play as a healing part of my life, restoring me daily through delight. Through divine grace, humour and unconditional love so be it!
Say this affirmation three times while moving your body, your hips, shake it a little.
"Time for sacred play! Hip, hip hooray"
Enjoy this meditation on Forgiveness
"I bathe in the light of the moon, allowing the moon beams to absorb all that is no longer needed. My energy field is purified, allowing it to vibrate at the perfect frequency for me. I am grateful for my mind, body and soul."
Source/Inspired: Forever Conscious. Image Credit from doTERRA Social
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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