Saturday, April 30, 2022

April New Moon, Eclipse, Ritual & Meditation 2022

Are you ready for a boost, surprises, sweeping change and intentions? 

This New Moon in Taurus is associated with pleasure in the physical realm, sanctifying your meditative space by setting a sensuous tone through scent, sound, and lighting. Earth energy is intensified during this time, as well as livelihood, environmental stability, and abundance.

If you have been struggling or feel stuck this energy is here to supercharge you. Eclipses create flowing change, while the new moons are all about setting new intentions. Whatever it is you need to tackle, connect with, get things done, this New Moon Eclipse is a perfect time. 

In ancient times people would plant their seeds during the new moon, it was the beginning of the cycle, when the sky is at its darkest. The dark skies protect the seeds from the critters. It is powerful to realize how this same thinking applies to our intentions. 

“April New Moon Eclipse energy is about
your ability to make the impossible, Possible.”

When you set intentions, you create it in your mind, in the dark, planting your intentions, is like planning your seeds. What can be manifested in the physical.  During this time under the New Moon energy is when the universe is most receptive to initiation. This is the time we set our intentions, dreams, and goals.

The new moon energies are charged with protection of the darkness, and the time to nurture our intentions to fruition. It is time to dive deep, it is time to ask yourself about your sense of purpose, your self-esteem, your ability to make the impossible, possible and your sense of self-worth. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself and Journal under this eclipse: What is most important in my life? When do I feel most confident and aligned with my power? Am I receiving what I’m worth and communicating my needs effectively?

Don’t be surprised if this New Moon Eclipse energy opens doors, windows, and entirely new paths. This is a time for connection, manifestation and go with the flow and trust what the Universe brings our way. 

Eclipses take us by surprise, they help our souls grow, to help us move through the darkness, which helps us get to the next chapter of our spiritual evolution.

Eclipses bring us to where we need to be, even when we don’t feel like it. Remember how you can embrace this energy, what steps can you take to liberate yourself?  Things could come up that are a wakeup call and can be difficult. 

This can be painful, but you allow yourself to awaken, rather than retreat. It can lead to the most amazing things. Which is another surprise under this eclipse energy. 

It is a time of harmony and balance, go with the flow, create ease through these changes. 

Take the opportunity under this New Moon Eclipse, to receive, it is a time for those wishes to come into reality, be open for the rewards.

“Breathe in this energy and know you are worthy to receive it”

We also have Venus and Jupiter are under perfect alignment currently offering sweet abundance, softening the energy under this Eclipse. 

Keep your focus on abundant thinking and align your thoughts with gratitude. 

“I am Worthy and Deserving.”

Taurus is associated with self-worth. It is time to bring in more self-love, are you putting yourself first? Do you have healthy boundaries? 

Trust this Eclipse to land you where you need to be, be open to opportunity, new path, stay open to whatever the universe brings your way.

Under this sensitive energy, remember to be gentle with yourself. 

Enjoy this Gratitude Ritual and Meditation

Flower Water Anointing 

Intention and outcome of the ritual: to be grateful to the earth that gives us so much 

Gratitude for All 

How often do you sit and love yourself? Using water and flowers in ritual is powerful. Scientific studies show that the act of ritual has the power to shift our consciousness. We rewire the nervous system as we sit in sacred space and in connection with ourselves. 

Feel into your heart, allowing feelings of gratitude to arise from within you. Allow this gratitude to just stream through you by writing in your journal, anything that you are grateful for. Maybe this is something you are calling in, but really feeling it as if it already is in your life and you are grateful for it. In this softened state, allow the stream of consciousness to slow. Start to write, “I am so grateful for...” 

Materials and supplies

bowl of water
a flower of your choice
essential oil of choice Lemon, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Cardamom.
pen, journal
clearing stick (Palo Santo or White Sage)

Clear your space and your Aura with the smudging tool of choice. Place your bowl of water before you. Water is consciousness, it holds memories and prayers. Water is a tool that many people use when they commune with the spirit world, with the ancestors, and for divination. Water is the only element that scientists can’t quite fully figure out because it has that mystery and spirit element to it. Infuse your prayers into the water before you by reading out loud what you wrote in your journal. 

Thank you, water. Thank you, life. Thank you, light. Thank you for your reflection, your nourishment, your flow, your grace. Thank you to all the rivers, the lakes, and the streams, the fresh water, the living water. Thank you to the oceans. Thank you to the rain, may you continue to nourish these dry lands, our parched hearts, quenching our thirst. May your rivers run clean. May the people remember you, connect to you. Connect to your own waters within, the waters of your womb, your blood, your lymph, your breast milk. 

Thank you for your life. Thank you for my life. Allow your prayers to infuse into the water: prayers for yourself, prayers for your family, prayers for the world, for this beautiful earth, for this beautiful planet. May the waters run crystal clear. May we drink from your well of wisdom. Thank you, Spirit. Thank you, Source, for water. 

Put down the bowl of water and pick up the essential oil you chose. Feel gratitude for the plant that produced that oil. When we say thank you, we are humbling ourselves. Thank you to this plant, you’ve been here longer than us, you have so much potent medicine, you are the medicine. Please help me with my healing. Drop 1 to 3 drops of oil in your water, allowing the plants to merge with the water. Take a moment to smell your bowl of water with the essential oil. 

Pick up the flower you chose. Take a moment to look at this beauty in front of you. Allow your consciousness to merge with this beauty and notice what you see: the colors, the petals, the leaves. Consider all the elements that went into growing this flower: the earth, the heat from the sun, the wind, the rain. Smell your flower: does it have a scent? 

Now dip your flower in the water. Begin to anoint yourself with the flower, the essential oil, and the water. Starting with the crown of your head, dip the flower or your finger (if you choose) and run it down your face, your arms, your shoulders, your belly, your womb, your legs, your feet, anywhere you feel called. 

Come back to looking at the flower again. Take a few breaths and notice how you feel. How have you shifted? Allow any new affirmations to flow through you:

"I am loved, I am safe, I am held, I am beauty,

 I am soft, I am light I am life, I am full"

Continue for as long as you wish. When you feel complete, place your water outside or on a windowsill. If it feels right, put the flower back into the water and let the darkness infuse it, a flower new moon essence. The next day, give it back to the Earth with gratitude, pouring it outside. You can also pour it over you in the shower, if pouring outside is not an option. 

New Moon Card Reading, followed by a Gratitude meditation

Card Deck is Angel Blessings, by Kimberly Marooney



Ye who believe! Celebrate the praises of God, And Glorify Him morning and night. He it is who sends blessings on you, as do His Angels, that He may bring you...into light...

Koran, sxxxiii41-43

Iofiel (Eye-o-fee-el) means "beauty of God." Everything divine is natural, beautiful and eternal. True beauty is always new, never going out of style. When attuned with your Eternal Self, you express the harmony that is your unique reflection of God, the Universe, Source. 

The beauty of God lies hidden within the density of our material world. Iofiel is here to help you experience a new depth of beauty. When you look at others see through outward appearances and connect to their eternal truth. 

In this way, youn help them feel and align with their own truth. The essence of art, poetry, books, and music is within the heart of the creator. Words fail, colors lack the vibrancy, sound cannot reproduce the full vibration, our bodies simply cannot receive or convey the full spectrum of beauty that is available. Only the heart and feelings can comprehend. You will be amazed at the rich heritage of beauty on the inner realms just waiting for your discovery!

Begin with yourself. How do you feel about how you look? If you are uncomfortable with the word "beauty", then substitute the word of your preference. How do your home, car and work area look and feel? Your environment reflects your ability to express your inner beauty. If it doesn't make you happy it is time for a makeover. First, look within to identify the emotional baggage clogging your ability to radiate your inner divinity. Do you justify an unattractive appearance by thinking that "looks don't matter, it's what's inside that counts"? Do you compare yourself to impossible standards and feel inadequate?

On the other hand, do you have excessive vanity masking fears of inadequacy? As you acknowledge and heal your wounds, take action in your physical world. If you have been excessively vain, cut back to the absolute minimum with simple clothing, hair, makeup, and nails .If it is time to improve your appearance, get a new hairstyle, makeup (when appropriate), and clothes that make you feel attractive, comfortable, passionate, and alive! Exercise regularly and take care of your body. Find your won standard of beauty based on self-love, appreciation of your natural qualities, authenticity and your uniqueness

Give your home and workspace a makeover, too! Discard or give away what no longer use. Thoroughly clean everything to experience the special energy in a room that shines. Consecrate your environment to the angels with a blessing and naming ceremony. Add some little touches, such as fresh flowers, incense, essential oils, potpourri, candles, music, pictures, and colors that make you feel good; seek cozy things that make you feel comfortable.

If you don't have these things, do you blame lack of money? More unworthiness! While you get to the root of your limitations, be creative and resourceful. Go to secondhand shops, watch for specials, keep your eyes and ears open. Ask friends for assistance, they may no longer want something that  might be perfect for you! Do a clothing exchange. Use trade schools for inexpensive personal services or dental work. Ask Iofiel to open your heart and mind to receive.

Beauty is an energy system of loving light vibration. Take time throughout your day to appreciate beautiful things. See through outer appearance to the beauty within. Angels exhale the most exquisitely fragrant odors of nature that are imbued with an exhilarating quality like nothing else on Earth. Invite this energy to be part of your daily life and feel it revitalize an soothe you. 

Every time you aspire to create something beautiful - rearrange, paint, clean, sculpt, write, craft, design, or draw - ask Iofiel to assist. She will stimulate your creative genius to free your vision from its prison of convention. As the hand of God guides your own, the rhythm of the angels shall become yours and together you will creae a work of infinite beauty. 

Beauty goes beyondaffect the structure of your community as reflected in architecture, streets, parks, laws and relationships with other people This is the ideal and the standard by which to judge all things. Lack of beauty and love can easily be seen in the deteriorated buildings, homeless souls, sbused and abandoned children, substance abuse, litter, violence - you know the list. Ask Iofiel to help you bring beauty to life. Heaven is more than a place; it is the consciousness of God. What can you do to bring Heaven t your part of the world?


"I treat myself with respect and loving-kindness because I love myself "


Now settle in for a Gratitude Meditation

 Image Credit from doTERRA Social 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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