Friday, September 20, 2013

Bergamot - The Oil of Self-Acceptance

Bergamot, what a funny name, I thought the first time I heard it. Oh but once I learned about this essential oil, what a wonderful oil to add to my collection. I had never heard of it before until I was introduced to Essential Oils. I love cleaning and diffusing with this oil, it helps me occasionally calm down. I love diffusing with Geranium, Wild Orange and White Fir (Gratitude and Joy Blend from the book Living Healthy and Happily Ever After, see below) My neighbor loves to drink it in his water.  Here is more on Bergamot.....

Bergamot Citrus bergamia

Originally this fruit was cultivated and harvested from the northern Italian city of Bergamo and it was only used for medicinal purposes in the local region until rather recently. The tree is of the citrus variety with a small Orange-like fruit. The peel is cold pressed to obtain the oils. The lower grade oil extractions are very commonly used in the perfume industry.

Common Uses 

• Promotes healthy, clear skin • Reduces tension and stress • Soothes and rejuvenates skin • Lessens sad and anxious feelings

Historical Uses

Bergamot was used by the Italians to cool and relieve high body temperatures, supports the immune system, and expel intestinal worms.

Emotions Addressed
Despair, low self-esteem, self judgment, unlovable, hopeless.

Bergamot relieves feelings of despair. It supports the individual in need of self-acceptance and self-love. Bergamot invites individuals to see life with more optimism. 

Bergamot is a wonderful anti-depressant. It awakens the soul to hope and offers courage to share the inner-self. Bergamot teaches individuals to let go of self-judgement by learning to love themselves unconditionally. 

Aromatic Guide

It helps soothe emotions and calms. It is uplifting and refreshing. 


Topically – Can be applies directly to the skin without any dilution when used topically. Apply to forehead and temples, reflex points and or directly on area of concern. May also be applied as a deodorant

Aromatically – Diffuse, up lifting

Internally - May be added to food or water as a dietary supplement
The oil is rated as GRAS by the FDA and can safely be used for internal consumption.

Body Systems Affected

Digestive System, emotional balance and skin


Type: Top Note (5-20% of the blend);Scent; Sweet, lively, citrusy, fruity, Intensity; 2.

For Animals

Horses - Bergamot - The Oil of Self-Bergamot is an antiseptic, anti-itch, anti parasitic  and diuretic. It relieves anxiety, stimulates digestion and strengthens the immune system. It is useful in treating minor cuts, insect bites, worm infestation, stress relief, stomach disorders and infection. 
reminder Do not expose your horse to sunlight while applying this oil nor immediately after application. This oil is not recommended for use in light-colored horses (grays and palominos).

Recipe for Antibacterial Spray
This blend is sprayed into the air to combat bacteria. It is an ideal solution for spraying inside a horse trailer. Keep this solution away from horses and human eyes. Therefore do not load horse immediately after spraying. 
16 oz. water
10 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil
6 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
6 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil
1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil

For Dogs  Ear Cleaning Formula Recipe
1 teaspoon Vegetable Glycerin
1/2 oz Grain Alcohol or Vodka
1 teaspoon Sulfated Castor Oil
1/2 oz Aloe Vera
1/2 oz Cider Vinegar (Organic preferred)
1/2 oz Witch Hazel Hydrolsol, Hamamaelis virginiana
10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
5 oz. Water
4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
7 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
3 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil
2 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Use this formula to cleanse the ears, removing surface dirt and wax. Also you should never stick your fingers or cotton swabs, balls or pads down into your dog's ear canal! 

Enjoy Living Healthy and Happily Ever After. Great read.

References: Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh Bell, Holistic Care for Horses by Denise Bean-Raymond, Modern Essentials Book, Emotions & Essential Oils, 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. 

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