Monday, May 18, 2020

Perserverence - You got this!

We can preserver through these changes, with a positive attitude, ambition, action, love! It is not easy, and everyone has good days and bad days. Focus on the good, be grateful. I tell my kids, if you are not feeling good, focus on three things you are grateful for and fill someone’s bucket (find someone who is feeling worse, a simple act of kindness fills there bucket which will fill yours, it is a win win.) 

During this pandemic, you can write a letter, pick up the phone and call, drop a little gift off, drop off a meal, groceries, a simple act of kindness and there are a lot of people who need it. If you need help, food, shelter. Please reach out and ask for help. I know how hard it is, I have been there, but you are not alone and there is help out there and no reason for you to be suffering. You will feel better I promise. At dinner we go around the table and share every night what we are grateful for and our big win for the day and what we could have done better.

There are people struggling and have it worse, someone always has it worse than you do. Send them love and prayers. I promise, God has your back, he has all our backs. We will make it through this, you will make it through this. 

We will learn the lesson, grow from it and everything will be so much better. Be patient, find peace with all of it and persevere. I learned a formula in one of my personal development seminars, E+R=O. You have an event (Covid-19) plus how you react, will determine your outcome. Think about this and remember it. We all want a good outcome. We all want to be safe, and we need to keep others safe. This is not a time to be impatient or selfish. This is time to be smart, kind and giving to others.

The other day a friend mentioned to me that she knew someone in the Holocaust, they were in hiding for two years, no store, no outside. Her friend said we were lucky. If you are feeling down, angry and frustrated with it all, think of how lucky you are, count your blessing and find the good with all this happening. Focus on love over fear. Find Peace with it all, you deserve that. Spread positivity, kindness and help others.

There are a lot of different perspectives, emotions, loss, anger, aggression, confusion, theft and violence. People are acting different, not knowing how to act or react. Everyone has unknown stress, maybe for the first time or adding to additional stress. So much unknown, how do we trust, how do we have faith, how do we keep positive. I have lived through worse, a lot of us have, and a lot of us have not. Some are scared and some aren’t, knowing we will be okay and others are so scared they can’t think straight.

We are all in this together. I have my bad days, we have been traumatized, we are in a crisis and a lot of people are still in shock, adapting to it all. I was having a rough day the other day and a friend told me to be patient and be kind to myself. Be kind to yourself, remember to take time for yourself, meditate, take a bath, take a walk if you can. Breathe, we are going to preserver and look back at it all and count our blessings, we will have a smile on our faces for all we learned in the process, the world is healing, we are healing, there is only good to come out of this. 

Here are some tools to help support you emotionally.

Please enjoy this week’s Affirmation, Gemstone, Essential Oil, Angel Card Reading, and Motivating  Meditation with the sound of Tibetan Singing Bowls.


“As I surrender to the Universe, 
the steps I need to take to move forward become crystal clear”


Labradorite (Stone of Serendipity and Magic)
Colour: Iridescent blue, greyish to black, yellow
Third Eye
Russia, Canada, Scandinavia, Italy

Sometimes the biggest challenge when changing your life is other people’s reactions. Change can intimidate or unnerve those close to us, so their advice may be unhelpful. Labradorite encourages you to trust your own judgment and wisdom.
By listening to yourself, you will gain a better understanding of what is right for you. You’ll gain a sense of adventure and self-empowerment, as well as become less fearful of reaching for your dreams.
Labradorite is also known for its protective powers. It provides a shield around you that will prevent unwanted negative energies, such as jealousy, and other people’s opinions from influencing you.
Essential Oil of the Week is

doTERRA Helicrysum
Helichrysum italicum is a small perennial herb with narrow, silver leaves and flowers that form a cluster of golden yellow, ball-shaped blossoms. The name “Helichrysum” is derived from the Greek “helios” meaning sun and “chrysos” meaning gold, referring to the color of the flowers. Helichrysum has been used in herbal health practices since ancient Greece and the oil is highly valued and sought after for its many health benefits.
Helichrysum is best known for its restorative properties to the skin. Also referred to as the Everlasting or Immortal Flower, Helichrysum is used in anti-aging products for its rejuvenating benefits to the skin. Helichrysum can help reduce the appearance of blemishes, and it promotes a glowing, youthful complexion.
Emotions addressed are emotional pain, anguished, traumatized, hopeless, Despairing, Wounded, Healing, Courageous, Hopeful, Transforming.
For emotional pain, Helichrysum is an amazing healer of pain. It aids the walking wounded – those with a history of difficult life circumstances, trauma, self-destruction, loss or abuse. Helichrysum inbuses joy, fervor, and hope for living. Helichrysum takes hurt souls by the hand guiding them through life’s difficulties. Following this spiritual healing and transformation, Helichrysum can teach individuals to have gratitude for their trails.
Diffuse or breath in, apply over heart or wherever pain is experienced.
More Information Click Here
Angel Card Reading

I love doing Angel Card Readings. This week I used my Energy Oracle cards. I had four cards pop out and what a great card reading.

Well these cards came jumping out. I love this card reading. 
These cards all come with an affirmation at the end. 

Card 1 
Angels of love - Tender Connections
When we feel so alone, we need to remember that we are not alone and that we are loved. We are protected. This card brings us a beautiful angel with roses, she holds a roase quartz heart, radiating tender and loving vibrations, bringing you compassion and affection. If you are looking for new love, this angel brig a message of its upcoming approach. If you are wanting amore intimate connection with someone already in your life, she is here to say that far greater tenderness is available to you. Remember that your first intention for tenderness is for self. This will influence the energetic potential of these eventsin a significant way. The Angel of love is smiling on you and gorging connections in the entergetic tealm. 

Affirmation - I love and value myself withiout limitation or condition. Tender loving treatment comes to me in wonderful and unexpected ways.

Card 2
Envy - Lack, Disatisfaction
The lady in this card has value in her life already. Instead of feeling happy and fullfilled, her desire for more only causes a deep sense of lack and disatsisfaction and that energy shows in her dress. This card is telling you to let go of the jealousy and acknowledge the blessings you already have. When you envy others it attracks more to them, not you. Notice all that you have and thank the Universe for it. Now is the time to move from lack to value. Count your blessings and be grateful for what you have. 

Affirmation - I let go of lack, I look at the blessings in my life with Joy and Satisfaction. 

Card 3 
Journey - Movement, Relocation, Travel
All of life is a journey, and this card is telling you that you have some exciting and inspiring adventures ahead. 

Affirmation - I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me new places, inside and out. 

Card 4
Waling Away - Letting Go, Moving On
This card shows someone walking away from an existing situation, she is closing the gate behind her and walking away into a misty, unknown future. It could be time for you to make a similar decision. You have an important New begininning at hand. It is time to let go of an old habit, emotional pattern or false belief. You have the power to release it. You have the readiness and resources to walk away from the old and move forward now. 

Affirmation - It is safe and comfortable for me to move on. I consider all my options and then take acton on my own behalf. 

What a great reading, be tender with yourself, you are loved. Focus on your blessings, someone always has it worse than you. Remember life is a journey, exciting things ahead, Let go of the past and move on to the New normal, you have the opportunity to create your new normal. Enjoy and manifest what you want. Use the affirmations that resignate with you.

Use your essential oils, gemstone, affirmation and meditation and enjoy your week.

Tibetan Bowl Meditation
Enjoy this Motivating Tibetan Bowl Session. Enjoy these calming sounds and meditate, feel energize you and motivate you.

Give Away…..Win an Gratitude and Joy Blend 5ml Roll on and gemstone!
To enter, like Weekly Essential facebook page, Share this post with a friend and Comment below what your win was for the week. Drawing will be Saturday. Winner announced Saturday afternoon. Good Luck


Sourced from, Energy Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor, Gemstone from, Photo of Gemstone by Kollette Chambers, Tibetan Bowl meditation by Kollette Chambers, some photos from google photos. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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