How does perfectionism show up in our lives is in the air around the March 18th Virgo Full Moon. The Universe is challenging us to confront where we may be using perfectionism to hide or to thwart our movement forward.
By taking the deep dive to ask ourselves these questions, We may also find ourselves becoming more aware of our self-worth and what it is that we truly deserve.
Full Moon energy is a time of release, we can trust that the Full Moon energies will help guide our way to letting go. Now, set an intention and then wait for the inspired action that tends to follow under the lunar vibrations.
You can also use this Full Moon energy to think about how you are acknowledging, or not acknowledging your self-worth. You deserve better, so how you can show yourself this? How can you live your life from the vantage point that you matter and your authentic self deserves to be seen?
By working through these points, you are likely to see great progress as the March Moon guides your way.
The Virgo Full Moon is also the last before the March 2022 Equinox. The March Equinox is a pivotal point in astrology as it’s considered the start of the astrological year. The beginning of a new year.
All of this combined makes the March Equinox a powerful day for renewal, new beginnings, fresh energy, and a shift in our perspective.
Before we begin a new astrological year, we can use the cleansing energies of this Full Moon to reflect on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months and to do away with things that we no longer wish to take with us into the new year.
Full Moons are always a powerful time for cleansing and releasing, so along with letting go of perfectionism, think about what other areas of your life or even emotions you wish to clear yourself from.
Set intentions for these and then allow the Full Moon magic to show you the way. By working in harmony with the cycles of the Universe, you can find a greater ease in everything that you do.
When creating your own connection with the Universe and using your own intuition to connect with the Full Moon is also highly supported thanks to the planet Neptune.
Neptune is the planet of spiritual growth and can help accelerate the development of our intuition. Under this energy, our intuition is likely to be heightened to be sure to listen to any gut feelings or nagging tugs from your inner voice.
Neptune can sometimes cloud things, making it hard to see the path forward or confusing to know which way to turn. This is an effort to get us to stop seeking validation from our external world and instead, turn within.
If there is something unsettling going on in your life under this Full Moon energy, see if you can remove the noise, and turn your attention away from the external to the internal. Get still and quiet with whatever is troubling you and see if you can look at things from the perspective of Spirit.
Taking this approach under Neptune energy is often a little easier, and can guide us to a richer and deeper understanding. Working with Neptune can also help change how we see things, allowing us to understand that we are all on a spiritual journey, that all is temporary, that there really is no separation, and most of life’s lessons are here to support the growth of our soul.
Looking at things from a spiritual perspective and understanding the higher purpose doesn’t spare us from working through our human emotions, but it can create some ease and allow us to feel supported, even if we are going through something challenging.
If it feels aligned, reach out to your guardian angels, spirit guide, or a loved one passed under this Full Moon. Know that Divine support is always just a call away, and be open to any signs that these beings wish to send your way.
The energy of Virgo can sometimes also stir things in regards to our health, so be sure to look after yourself under this energy and try not to overdo it or take on too much.
Under this Virgo Full Moon energy, give yourself permission to disconnect from ideas of perfectionism, and reinstate your self-worth. Allow this to fuel a spiritual journey, one where you travel to dimensions beyond this time and place and gain the understanding that your soul has a plan and already knows the way.
Virgo Full Moon Ritual ~ Candle Magic
Candles are magical bringers of light and a living expression of alchemical transmutation. Candle magic is simple yet potent! As the candle burns what you are releasing is transforming into light and what you are calling in is being ignited and lit up in your reality. This is a perfect time to let go and bring in New!
This ritual is best done between March 17-24, 2022
You will need:
Assorted herbs/plants/fruits (dry, fresh, or even the essential oils) eg. lavender,chamomile buds, Rose Buds, Lemon citrus slices, Mint Leaves, lily, thyme, chamomile buds, basil, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, eucalyptus.
- Small bowl
- New unlit votive or larger pillar candle (not tea light) tapers can work – its best to use natural waxes rather than paraffin if possible. If you don't want the mess, you can use a jar candle and do the anointing on the top, excluding the scribe.
- Dried herbs, flowers or essential oils
- Pen or pencil to write or scribe on the candle
- Lighter or Matches
- Olive oil or vegetable oil of your choice
- Full Moon Reading (below)
- Breathing in Compassion Meditation
1. In a small bowl, Select whatever herbs, flowers or essential oils resonate with you. You can use one or a combination of flowers, herbs or essential oils, just go with your instincts and use what is on hand. Have all of your ritual ingredients laid out in front of you.
Here’s an example to guide you.
*Holding lavender buds in your hand* “I release any feelings of failure I have around being a mother.” *Sprinkle lavender bunds into the bowl, or it could be I bring in compassion, serenity and grace*
2. Set a sacred space. Smudge and clear the space, ground and settle, create an altar or place the candle and herbs in front of you, call in directions, elementals, allies and guides, ground and find your center, Breathe. Have your candle on the altar or in front of you, smudge if desired.
3 Guide yourself, listen to the body, heart and womb – What is present? Sensations, images, thoughts? Mindfully noticing what is arising. Taking some time to be with this first wave of what is alive and calling for your attention. Take a mental or written note.
4. Tune into your intuition “What am I / are you needing to shift or release in your life? “ And /or “What am I/are you calling in?”
Take a moment to write it down.
5. You have the option of writing either what you want to release or call in Or you can write at the top half of the candle what you are releasing and then progress into what you are calling in. This is best with a larger pillar candle or, if using a taper, use simple words, design or symbols to represent your intentions.
6. Begin to write on the candle. The ink may not show but inscribe into the wax your intention words, sentences or symbols. Start from the top – even next to the wick and then write in a circle/ spiral around the candle. It may take a moment to get the sense of how hard to press and how to write in the wax. You are putting your intention into the candle, there’s no need for it to be perfect or legible ;-) Take your time and pause to notice/measure how much space you have so you can be sure to get the words you really want onto the candle.
7. Once this is completed take a moment to hold the candle, brush off any excess wax and sit just being with the inscribed candle. Visualize yourself having what you are intending and who you’ll be when it’s complete. Put that energy into the candle as well.
8. Now it is time to anoint your candle including the wick. You can take the oil, dried herbs, flower or essential oils and anoint your candle. I recommend anointing the candle with oil first, then add the dried flowers or herbs. You can do this over the bowl or a plate.
Note: You can burn your candle in one setting, depending on the size. Or you can use your candle and burn it whenever you would like, with the intention of releasing or bringing in, or both. Whichever you would like to do, this a great ceremony to do throughout this moon cycle. It is transition time out of winter into spring. You can journal, re anoint your candle.
“I have made my wishes, I have set my intentions. There are things I wish to release, there are things I wish to call in. They have been heard by the candle light and herbs, they have been heard by my heart and soul. I now cleanse them all away, surrendering my intentions and desires to the Universe. I trust that all will unfold for my highest and greatest good. I trust that whatever needs to come will come, and whatever needs to go will go.”
9. Visualize what you are calling in – see it as done, knowing that as the candle burns what you are releasing is transforming into light and what you are calling in is being ignited and lit up in your reality. While it burns it is good to keep your Attention on your Intention – until it is burned all the way out. Sit and be with the flame – journal or do things that relate to your intention such as taking a cleansing bath or making a vision board, sing or dance in your prayer or whatever calls to you.
10. Sit before your Candle and do your Breathing in Compassion Meditation. This 10-minute meditation is designed to soothe, release the energy of compassion for yourself and others.
Notice as the candle burns how you feel and what you are aware of. You may find yourself being emotional, cleansed, liberated, illumined and perhaps realizing other parts of your intention that you didn’t write – you can give it to the flame as it burns. As you sit, find gratitude and appreciation for all the magical support and yourself for doing this ritual. Allow yourself to be transformed.
11. Once you are done with your meditation, take your Candle and place it outside or place it by the window under the light of the Full Moon.
12. In the morning, discard your herbs in the garden or if you don’t have access to the garden, down the drain is fine too. Don’t be tempted to hold on to any of the herbs, let it all go!
You can light your candle anytime for letting go, or bringing in or both.
At anytime, when you are ready You can dispose of what is left of the candle in an appropriate way. Thank and release all the energies that came to support your ritual. Stay if you will, Go if you must .. Hail and Farewell! Bow to yourself and create whatever other closure you feel called to do.
Note: if the candle didn’t burn well, the wick went out or fell over etc it may be a sign that you have more to do to prepare for the releasing or manifesting you intended. It is good to journal more and ask for insights around your intentions and what might be needed next.
Thank you, sending you love and compassion. Enjoy this Full Moon Energy!
Source/Inspired: Forever Conscious. Image Credit from doTERRA Social
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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