Sunday, March 26, 2023

This Week at Weekly Essential March 26- April 1, 2023

 Spring has Sprung and it is time to come out of hibernation from a long winter and get your spark back for spring. Plant those seeds, manifest your dreams, create a vision board. Get creative, get motivated and Spring back into life. It has been a long winter and now is the time to get moving again. 

If you have been ignoring yourself, your needs, now is the time to nurture yourself and give yourself some love. 

This Week at Weekly Essential Wellness

Harmonic Light Therapy
April Specials
How to Get Your Spark Back
Essential Oil Spotlight Cheer Blend
Tigers Eye

How to Get Your Spark Back

Motivation can be lost for many reasons, but there are ways to get it back. Reclaiming your life means taking control of your own destiny and making choices that make you happy. You don’t have to wait for someone else to make things happen for you. You can take steps towards reclaiming your life by recognizing the things that make you happy, setting goals and pursuing them, and maintaining good relationships. Keep reading, you can find your spark again and re-ignite your passion for life.

Rediscover Your Passion

There is something special and unique about each individual – no two people are exactly alike. What makes one person happy might not make another person happy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth exploring. Finding what makes you happy and doing what you love is the key to finding happiness in your life.

What is your passion? What makes you come alive? If you can find something that brings out that enthusiasm in you again and makes you happy, then hang onto it! It could be the thing that gets you through tough times or helps you find fulfilling work. Once you have your spark back in yourself, anything is possible!

Find Your Purpose
When we lose our spark, we can lose our purpose in life. Our sense of what matters can be distorted, and we may find ourselves doing things for the wrong reasons. We may become so busy chasing after our goals that we forget what brought us joy in the first place.

To get your spark back in yourself, you need to rediscover your purpose. It could be as simple as answering this question: Why do you wake up each day? What makes you happy? What brings you fulfillment? Once you know these things, it will be easier to find ways to bring them into your life. Belonging to a cause or community can also help you find meaning and purpose in life. When you have something worth fighting for, everything else feels more manageable.

Connect With Others
Sharing experiences and finding support is one of the best ways to connect with others. When we are able to share our feelings and struggles, we can find comfort in knowing that we are not alone. Additionally, sharing our experiences can help us learn from them and grow as individuals.

There are many ways to connect with others. Some examples include online forums, social media sites, and support groups. Whatever connection you choose, make sure you find someone who will support your journey and help you reclaim your life.

Create Something You Love
It can be difficult to get your spark back in yourself when you feel like your imagination has been lost. However, there are ways to reignite your imagination and get back to being creative.

First, try going outside and taking some time to just look at the world around you. This will help you see things in a new way and open up your mind. Second, think about something that interests you and start creating ideas around it. This will help you get out of your comfort zone and explore new ideas. Finally, remember that creativity is not about being perfect – it’s about having fun and experimenting with different ideas. So don’t be afraid to try new things and have some fun!

Self Love
It is easy to take care of ourselves when everything is going well, but it can be harder when we are struggling. It can be hard to remember to eat healthily, get enough exercise and relax. But taking care of ourselves is important for our physical and mental health.

Nourish your body: Eat a balanced diet, get enough exercise and sleep enough.

Soulfully: Take time for yourself each day. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation can help you center yourself and reduce stress levels. Have fun in your free time; activities that make you happy are good for your spirit as well as your body.

Being 100% responsible for yourself and your actions. It is hard, but you have a purpose, ask your guides, God, the Universe, source, to show you the way, show you to your next steps. Once you claim your life, and have a loving relationship with yourself, then will be able to have loving relationships with other. When things get rough, it is time to do some personal development, time to get to work. Breath and remind yourself that everything is going to be okay. 

Spark into Spring 

Being an easy-going, upbeat, and optimistic person doesn’t just make you a joy to be around, it’s also good for you. Sometimes even the happiest people need a little cheering up. During those cloudy, gray times, reach for doTERRA Cheer Uplifting Blend. With its sunny and warm aroma, doTERRA Cheer will brighten even your darkest days. Diffuse for an uplifting, energizing boost to any atmosphere. The inspiring blend of citrus and spice essential oils creates an uplifting environment as you seek the bright side of any situation.

Primary Benefits

  • Creates an optimistic, cheerful atmosphere with a warm, citrusy, and spicy aroma
  • Inspires an energizing and positive environment

Tigers Eye

The meaning of Tigers Eye is self-confidence and inner strength. Nicknamed The Shapeshifter, the earthly rich and curious gemstone of Tiger’s Eye invites the wearer to embrace their inner-strength, personal willpower, and to call on the powers of protection.

Tiger’s Eye Healing Properties

  • Physical healing. An effective blood fortifier, the tiger’s eye increases strength and vitality. ...
  • Emotional healing. This is among the best gemstones in terms of balancing emotional extremes. ...
  • Spiritual healing. This gemstone resonates excellently with the earth’s frequencies to offer stable and warm energy for meditation and prayers.

Tiger’s Eye will bring more passion and emotion, solidify relationships, and seal friendships. Tiger’s Eye has a warm and protective energy that is useful for healing situations, such as abuse or domination by others. Tiger’s Eye may bring to the surface deep-seated fears or worries that you are not aware of.

The meaning of Tiger's Eye - Tiger’s Eye represents the power, courage, and fearlessness of the tiger, worshipped throughout history and across the world. Tiger’s Eye is a member of the Quartz family and has been revered for centuries.

Stay Positive, Remember You Have a choice, and Love yourself!

Sourced from,

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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